Policy and Practice at Oxfam

Oxfam’s cutting-edge thinking, research and programming tools are shaping the future of policy and gender justice advocacy.

Photo: Patrick Moran/Oxfam

Policy and Practice is a dedicated site for policy-makers, practitioners, researchers, donors and academics to access knowledge, evidence and ideas from the work of Oxfam and the communities and organizations we partner with around the world. Our aim is to share learning and knowledge and build stronger support for policies and ideas rooted in gender justice.

Policy Spotlight

Check out Oxfam Canada’s Feminist Scorecard 2023 providing an assessment of the Canadian government’s action in a world of crises from March 2022 to February 2023.

Practice Spotlight

Our cutting-edge work in feminist monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) is transforming how projects are being assessed, how we learn from them and how power is shared in the process.

Advocacy Spotlight

Help us hold Canadian fashion brands accountable, push for change and end the exploitation of the women who make our clothes. Sign the pledge today.


Explore Our Policy Hubs

Access resources, policy papers and news from across our 8 focus areas. Click into each hub to see what works in the fight against poverty.

All of our resources and publications are available in accessible formats. Please reach out to us at info@oxfam.ca to make a request.

Women in Humanitarian Action

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Gender-Just Economies

Women’s Fight for Climate Justice

Natural Resources and Extractive Industries

Feminist Aid and Foreign Policy

Transformative Leadership

Gender-Based Violence

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